The game Reversi (also known as Othello) is a turn-based game that is demanding on the player The game was created under the name Reversi at the end of 19th century in England. Its inventors were two Englishmen: Lewis Waterman and John W. Mollett. In 1891 it was officially issued in Germany. The game was later forgotten and re-emerged only in 1971 in Japan, where it was issued under the name Othello by the company Tsukuda Original. The name was inspired by the drama Othello by William Shakespeare. It has become very popular in Japan and the most important tournaments are even transmitted on TV.
The game Reversi is controlled by using a computer mouse:
- You put the stone by clicking on the square. You can put on each square one stone maximally.
- You can place the stone only on the field, that concludes a contiguous series of your opponent's stones with another your stone. After comming by the mouse cursor a gray stone will appear on these fields, together with greyed stones of opponent that you will get by that move.
- The game Reversi is over when all the chessboard fields are occupied or any player can not make the next move or after the expiration of the time designated for the game.
Currently has the game Reversi three levels of difficulty, which is set at the beginning of the game. In the Game Settings you can choose whether a man player or a computer player will start.
(: Lots of fun :)